NYC Based Performer and Producer

I celebrate my identity as a woman of color and align myself with those that do the same.


about me

I was 11 years old when played a Sea creature/ Chef in Albert Leonard ​ Middle School's production of The Little Mermaid Jr. and I knew two ​things. One, that I wanted to dye my brown hair the brightest shade of ​red L'Oreal had to offer as soon as my mother would let me and two, ​that I wanted to be on stage at any and every given opportunity. My ​liberal arts education taught me to find projects that resonate with me ​artistically and find ways to be involved with them. That passion then ​grew to include things like producing and directing and stage ​management.

So, for the past 10 years, I have been pursuing my creative passions ​through theatre. I woke up every morning of my high school career ​at 6 AM to attend my acting classes before school and then majored ​in theatre (with concentrations in both acting and directing) at ​Muhlenberg College. It was there that I found my passions for On-​Camera acting and devising work. I am proud to be pursuing my ​dreams post grad and cannot wait to see where my artistic journey ​takes me.



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What’s next

  • This September, Elizabeth will make her Philadelphia ​theatrical debut as Mrs. Gonzalez in Delivery Boy by ​Jaden Gines at MAAS Studio Theatre as part of the ​Philadelphia Fringe Festival. More information can be ​found here.
    • Broadway World article linked here.
  • Additionally, Elizabeth is ​working as a producer on ​another Philadelphia Fringe ​Project, Carmilla: A Dance ​with Death by Brayden ​Stallman. More information ​can be found here.


work with me